Start advertising this yourself
"And earn BIG MONEY for every
member you refer and sign up"
For every new member you refer
and sign up with your referral code,
you will receive Between
$100 To $1000 for each referral. Depending on what tier your on.
Check Referral Tiers Below.
You get paid when the referred member starts making money.
you will keep getting paid until you're PAID IN FULL
for each referred member.
Makes You Money 
24 Hours a Day 7 Days a Week
Don't forget to tell all
your followers family and
friends to follow you on
Bingg Bingg
and vote for your videos.
You can create one contest
and create all prizes up to $200,000
Admin will pay all prizes,
and you can earn up to $50,000
Just for creating this contest and
all you have to do is
advertise your contest,
Tell your followers family
and friends to signup with
Bingg Bongg and join your contest,
They could be the grand prize winners.
Bingg Bongg will also help you
pay to advertise your contest on
TikTok, Instagram, Snapchat,
YouTube Facebook or Bingg Bongg
You must have at-least
100,000 followers on any platforms
above to qualify for creating a contest
Don't forget to tell all
your followers family and
friends to follow you on
Bingg Bingg
and vote for your videos.
Makes You Money 
24 Hours a Day 7 Days a Week
Bingg Bongg will help you
pay to advertise your contest on
TikTok, Instagram, Snapchat,
YouTube and Facebook or Bingg Bongg
Each member can create one contest
and create prizes up to $200,000
Admin will pay all prizes,
and the member can earn up to $50,000
Just for creating this contest and
all you have to do is advertise your contest,
Tell people to signup with
Bingg Bongg and join your contest,
They could be the grand prize winners.
TikTok, Instagram, Snapchat,
YouTube and Facebook or Bingg Bongg
You must have at-least
100,000 followers on any platforms
above to qualify for creating a contest
Bingg Bongg will pay you at-least
$10,000 to help the
Homeless And the hungry
in your neighborhood, City and state.
When you creates a contest
and create prizes up to $200,000
Admin will pay all prizes,
and you can earn up to $50,000
Just for creating this contest and
all you have to do is advertise your contest,
Tell your followers to signup with
Bingg Bongg and join your contest,
They could be the grand prize winners.
Bingg Bongg will pay you $10,000
to help the homeless and the hungry
in your neighborhood, city and state.
Don't forget to tell all
your followers family and
friends to follow you on
Bingg Bingg
and vote for your videos.
Makes You Money 
24 Hours a Day 7 Days a Week
Makes You Money 
24 Hours a Day 7 Days a Week
Don't forget to tell all
your followers family and
friends to follow you on
Bingg Bingg
and vote for your videos.
Bingg Bongg will pay our generous voters
for voting and gifting any video in a contest
If you vote 5 time your username
will be in a pool 5 times, If you vote
10,000 times your username will
be in a pool 10,000 times.
The more you vote,
The better chance you have of
winning the grand prize.
The grand price will be accourding
each contest.
It could be up to $10,000 Dollars.
At the end of the contest our
system will pull out as many winners
that are in that contest and will
anounce all winners.
All winners will get paid by
Amazon Gift Cards
Bonus To Our Generous Voters
Here are mutiple ways of how to
make money on Bingg Bongg
Don't forget to tell all
your followers family and
friends to follow you on
Bingg Bingg
and vote for your videos.
Makes You Money 
24 Hours a Day 7 Days a Week
upload all your videos in
any category and any contest,
Tell all your followers to follow you on Bingg Bongg and vote for your videos.
"Your videos will receive votes from
175 countries around the world!
All the votes you receive turn into cash
in your Bingg Bongg wallet.
That's Not All
The video with the most votes in any
one category will win that category,
and we'll double your votes,
turning all your votes into cash!"
There Is More
If your video is the most voted video,
You will win the grand prize,
Whatever the prize is for that contest.
Upload all your videos
And start making money
Don't forget to tell all
your followers family and
friends to follow you on
Bingg Bingg
and vote for your videos.
Makes You Money 
24 Hours a Day 7 Days a Week
Not only you can make
money 24 hours
a day 7 days a week for just
uploading your videos on
Bingg Bongg
but now you can also make money
from Reposting other creators videos
and earn 50% of the votes
and the original creator
will earn the other
50% of the votes.
Reposting videos
Don't forget to tell all
your followers family and
friends to follow you on
Bingg Bingg
and vote for your videos.
Makes You Money 
24 Hours a Day 7 Days a Week
Not only you can make
money 24 hours a day
7 days a week for just
uploading your videos on
Bingg Bongg
but now you can also make money
from Boosting your videos to earn more
votes inturn make more money
Boost your videos
Don't forget to tell all
your followers family and
friends to follow you on
Bingg Bingg
and vote for your videos.
Makes You Money 
24 Hours a Day 7 Days a Week
Bingg Bongg's Got Talent,
Singing, Dancing, Funny Videos
and Best Videos Contests
Bonus For Referrals
Extra Referral Bonus
Bonus For Creating a Contest
Bonus For Advertising your Contest
Bonus To Help The Homeless And The Hungry
Download The App
Makes You Money 
24 Hours a Day 7 Days a Week